[NEW]: Split and adapted form tables for 3 different kinds of S3 providers, including one specialized for Backblaze.
[UPD]: Improve recovery point UI with help icons
[UPD]: Added a feature to remove unused plugins and themes
[UPD]: Improved handling of installer file name and filters applied to it in the code
[UPD]: Removed usage of DUP_PRO_RestoreOnly_Package class
[UPD]: Improve scanner message for mixed-case DB tables names
[UPD]: Improved scheduled build email with additional information about the package
[UPD]: “Save Brand” button disabled except when it is needed.
[UPD]: Disable notice that recommends Duparchive on a new site
[UPD]: Exposed real region values in UI for Amazon S3 Direct storage, next to the human readable strings
[UPD]: Added a specific error message for cases where the archive package file is missing
[UPD]: Updated phpseclib to the latest version
[UPD]: Make multisite tab (build step 1) visible for all license types, but only enabled for Business and Gold
[UPD]: The tmp folder will be emptied every 24 hours
[FIX]: Eliminated image overflow problem in branding preview
[FIX]: Fixed strings referring to Amazon S3
[NEW]: Added a feature to remove users without permissions
[UPD] Showing correct message on AJAX error with status code and appropriate documentation link
[UPD]: Improved the Cleanup Labels in the Advanced Installer
[UPD]: Added an explanation to help for the Cleanup options
[UPD]: Prevent click of browser backward and forward buttons
[UPD]: Introduced a new archive check for manual extracts
[UPD]: Encapsulated the check for manual extracts case and installation directory existence
[FIX]: Fixed invalid charset and collate replace bug
[FIX]: Fixed the missing getSuperAdminsUserIds method in DUPX_MU
[FIX]: Create new tables option not to trigger the count of affected tables
[FIX]: Fixed a bug that was preventing the installer to work if “Create Database” is selected in the first step