Easy Digital Downloads - MailChimp 3.0.16

Download Easy Digital Downloads - MailChimp 3.0.16 from nulled fire. Include a MailChimp signup option with your Easy Digital Downloads checkout
Fix: Better error handling when the MailChimp API is not properly configured and connected.
Fix: Corrected an issue in version 3.0.4 that caused interest groups to get synced and stored with incorrect data. Our apologies.
Fix: Double Opt In cannot be disabled through in the plugin API when enabled globally
Fix: Actions registered cannot be unregistered by other plugins
Fix: mod_fcgid: stderr: WordPress database error Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' for query CREATE TABLE wp_edd_mailchimp_lists error
Fix: New interest groups now added to product edit screens unless lists are reconnected