Easy Digital Downloads - MailChimp 3.0.16

Download Easy Digital Downloads - MailChimp 3.0.16 from nulled fire. Include a MailChimp signup option with your Easy Digital Downloads checkout
New: Added a new edd_mailchimp_max_number_lists filter that allows you to change the number of lists fetched from Mailchimp. This can be used if you have more than 100 lists.
New: Added translation files.
Fix: "Force Sync Now" not working.
Fix: dbDelta() running on every page load. Now it only runs if the version number is out of date.
Fix: API key unable to be removed from settings.
Fix: An umber of edge case PHP errors, most occurring if the plugin is activated and enabled, but no API key is entered.
Tweak: Lowercase all the "c's" in the plugin name (MailChimp to Mailchimp).
Tweak: Update plugin header information, including URI and author details.
Tweak: Update "Last Synced" wording to better convey that it's a manual process and does not happen routinely in the background.
Dev: Incorrectly using EDD_MailChimp_Extension class name instead of EDD_MailChimp in a few places.
Fix: Corrected an issue causing users to not be subscribed if opt-in was selected with Double Opt-In Disabled.
Fix: Improved the reliability of the opt-in process with eCommerce data.
Fix: Download specific lists and groups have been reverted to their previous functionality.
Fix: Corrected an issue where Double Opt-In could overwrite an existing subscriber's status.