Easy Digital Downloads - Recurring Payments 2.12.3

Download Easy Digital Downloads - Recurring Payments 2.12.3 from nulled fire. Recurring Payments for Easy Digital Downloads makes it easy to create and sell products
New: Recurring now registers subscription specific capabilities to allow for better role management and access to subscriptions.
Improvement: Allow dates to be defined when adding a new renewal order.
Improvement: Software Licensing discount calculations have been revised to be correct and work with cart discounts.
Fix: Currencies were not always properly displayed in the order details on sites with multiple currencies.
Fix: Renewal orders were not always linked to the correct email after a customer updated their email address.
Fix: The subscription order status has been added to the list of deliverable order items statuses.
Fix: An error could occur on the order details screen if orders were considered part of a subscription but a subscription did not exist.
Fix: The license renewal link on the subscription details screen did not display correctly.
Dev: An unneeded legacy filter for PDF Invoices has been removed.
  • Improvement: It is now possible to manually add a subscription with a $0 initial amount.
  • Fix: The Stripe express checkout could cause PHP notices when Recurring loaded.
  • Fix: The discount check could error in EDD 2.x.
  • Fix: The updated admin script might not have loaded due to caching.
  • Fix: The Stripe gateway could cause a fatal error with one time trials.
  • Dev: Unnecessary files have been removed from the vendors directory.
Improvement: The payment method update form now uses the Stripe action hook to load the credit card form instead of calling it directly.
Change: The EDD Subscriber role will not be registered for new installs.
Change: Renewal orders will now be assigned a unique payment key.
Fix: The EDD Subscriber role capability was not correctly registered.
Fix: Manually creating a subscription for a single price product could throw a PHP notice.
Fix: If a renewal transaction failed in PayPal Commerce, it was not marked as failed in EDD.
Fix: Manually creating a subscription did not set the correct payment mode when test mode was enabled.
Dev: The subscriptions count method used an ambiguous column reference for the primary key.
Improvement: EDD 3.0 - subscription information will be moved to the order details tabs.
Fix: EDD 3.0 - the Stripe gateway now checks for the `complete` order status when checking if a subscription can be reactivated.
Fix: EDD 3.0 - Renewal orders were setting an incorrect price ID for single price products.
Fix: EDD 3.0 - Renewal orders no longer run ledger functions to update download/customer statistics.
Fix: EDD 3.0 - The edd_subscription order status has been added to the arrays of complete, refundable, net, and gross order statuses.
Fix: EDD 3.0 - Manually added subscription orders did not set the correct order item status.
Dev: EDD 3.0 - Order items in will be migrated to have the correct status. This affects existing 3.0 installs only.
Dev: EDD 3.0 - Unit tests have been updated for EDD 3.0 compatibility.