Easy Digital Downloads - Simple Shipping 2.4.1

Download Easy Digital Downloads - Simple Shipping 2.4.1 from nulled fire. Simple Shipping Provides the ability to charge simple shipping fees for physical products in EDD
New: Integration with the new PayPal Commerce gateway. The shipping address now gets sent to PayPal.
Fix: A string with no translateable text was being run through __().
Fix: Undefined variable $user_info on payment confirmation page.
Fix: Unable to clear tracking information via the "x" button. (Doing so triggered an alert saying, "You must have at least one price".)
  • Fix: Changing shipping country still allowed clicking complete purchase before shipping values were updated.
  • New: Admin sale notifications now show full shipping country and state/province.
  • New: Added the ability to disable taxes on shipping costs.
Fix: Taxes not recalculated properly when changing billing country