Easy Digital Downloads - Stripe Payment Gateway 3.0.2

Download Easy Digital Downloads - Stripe Payment Gateway 3.0.2 from nulled fire. Stripe Payment Gateway includes complete support for the Recurring Payments extension
Fix: In some cases, the Stripe Payment Elements form was not re-enabled after amounts were updated.
Improvement: When Stripe is disconnected, it's removed from the active gateways to prevent a broken checkout experience.
Improvement: Animations and transitions have been improved on checkout for a smoother experience.
Fix: Some sites using Payment Elements and Recurring could have incomplete forms for updating subscription payment methods.
Dev: A filter has been added to allow users to disable the card terms.
Dev: For sites which do not have access to the legacy Card Elements, a toggle has been added to allow the ability to enable access. EDD debugging must be enabled to show this toggle.
Improvement: Updated Payment Element for compatibility for more regional requirements.
Improvement: Added Site Health information, for easier debugging.
Dev: Improved the method to retrieve an account's connected status.