Easy Digital Downloads - Upload File 2.1.5

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Download Easy Digital Downloads - Upload File 2.1.5 from nulled fire. This extension allows your customers to upload files before or after completing an order.
  • Improvement: Displaying uploaded files has been improved, both on the receipt and in the admin.
  • Fix: An uploaded file was not attached to the payment when the payment gateway was changed.
  • Fix: Deleting a file from the front end did not correctly delete the file.
  • Fix: A PHP notice was logged when a file was uploaded.
  • Fix: Duplicate meta values were saved to the payment object.
  • Fix: A template registration conflict with Invoices has been resolved.
  • Dev: EDD 3.0 compatibility when saving, retrieving, and deleting upload files metadata for an order.
  • Dev: Refactor how the plugin is loaded and checks system requirements.
Unlimited files cannot be uploaded to a product. The limit is 25, and the filter edd_upload_file_limit can be used to increase this.
Corrected multiple issues related to files not uploading.
Files were not properly being displayed in admin or on receipt views.
Uploading on Purchase Confirmation was only working immediately after checkout.
File uploads were failing on some hosting providers.
Improved debug logging.
Fix: Files on checkout not saved when using external payment gateways like PayPal Standard.