Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 10.1

Download Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 10.1 from nulled fire. Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress is the best social sharing plugin on the market.
NEWAdded additional option in the advanced mobile options to disable WooCommernce content display on a mobile device#466
NEWNew Pinterest Pro social follow box after sharing on the PinterestView More#465
UPDATEDRemove the deprecated feature to rollback plugin settings#464
FIXEDFixed an error message appearing when the image in the social media optimization tags is deleted from the server#463
FIXEDFixed a problem where the new X icon does not appear in the inline sharable quotes#462
FIXEDAdditional checks to the Pinterest Pro script to prevent errors in the console if the share buttons are deactivated on the page#461
NEW:A new button size option for mobile devices was added to the share buttons
NEW:New option to re-adjust the middle position when longer text for Pinterest Pro button is used
UPDATED:Updated X share command to use the x.com domain (previously twitter.com)
IMPROVEMENTSRefactored the share button styles to load on demand when used (10% reduced size of the share buttons stylesheet).
FIXED:Fixed a problem with missing animations on the Pinterest Pro button
FIXED:Fixed an error message appearing on the front when the social media optimization image is smaller than 200px
FIXED:Fixed a problem where the Click to Chat for WooCommerce may not load if the floating button is not used (activated)