Elegant Themes Harmony 2.4.19

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Download Elegant Themes Harmony 2.4.19 from nulled fire. Harmony is a versatile WordPress theme for bands and musicians. This theme has all of the features that a band would need

Harmony is a versatile WordPress theme for bands and musicians. This theme has all of the features that a band would need, including the ability to play songs, handle events, upload photo galleries and sell merchandise. Harmony's style is bold and features big and beautiful background images that can be easily customized to give your page a unique look. Every band needs a great online presence for their fans to find, so get started today with Harmony!

Perpetual Updates
Our themes are always updated to ensure compatibility with the latest version of WordPress. As a member, you get free access to all theme updates. You can rest easy knowing that your website will always be running smoothly.

Secure and Valid Code
Our themes use coding best practices to ensure that they are fast and secure. Our themes are W3C compliant and undergo frequent security audits. Our premium themes guarantee a level of quality not always found in free themes.

Browser Compatibility
We ensure that all of our themes are compatible with the most popular internet browsers. It’s important that your website performs well for everyone who visits it.

Complete Localization
All of our themes have been localized for easy translation. Included with each theme are sets of .mo and .po files that can be used to translate the theme, which means you won't have to spend hours editing PHP files.

Unlimited Colors
Using the Theme Customizer and Custom Background Images, the possibilities are endless!.

elegant themes
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Elegant Themes Harmony

(4.1 MB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By