Email Customizer for WooCommerce 3.33

Download Email Customizer for WooCommerce 3.33 from nulled fire. WooCommerce Email Customizer plugin allows you to fully customize the styling, colors, logo and text
  • Update our Plugin Update Checker. Fixes issue when trying to enter your Purchase Code to receive auto-updates.
  • Modify our script and style enqueues - fixes issue where our assets would load on admin pages other than our own.
  • Add 'Popout Email Preview' button to the email preview window so you can easily preview the email in a new tab on it's own.
  • Updates the 'Show PHP Errors' option so it better handles error notices or fatal errors displayed.
  • Style tables and content added to the emails by 3rd party plugins so they adopt the styling of our emails e.g. Bookings, Subscriptions, etc.
  • Fix Customer Notes not showing in the email.
  • Fix Downloads not showing in the email.
  • General updates and fixes across all the email templates.
Updated our templates to use the new WooCommerce method of displaying customer details - email address and phone number. The customer details now show more simply below the Billing Address, and not under their own heading - Customer Details.
Updated our Plugin Update Checker code.
* Add feature to 'Show Error Notices' so you can optionally see any error notices that are generated when the email templates get combined to construct the email preview (These notices do not appear in the email when it is sent by WooCommerce).