EventON - Action User Add-on 2.4.4

Download EventON - Action User Add-on 2.4.4 from nulled fire. Power-up your eventON calendar with actionUser to allow front-end event submissions
FIXED: saved organizer and location not showing correct on event manager
FIXED: event manager creating new organizer and location not saving to event
FIXED: form field order with permission not reflecting correct
FIXED: event submission form and event manager on same page cause date picker errors
FIXED: Styles not taking effect in the form
FIXED: submit only one event to use loggedin user
FIXED: Redirect after submission not working for lightbox events
FIXED: location and organizer create new buttons not showing up in the form
ADDED: notice in settings to disable notify submitter of event approval
ADDED: User capabilities to user profile in wp-admin
FIXED: edit events in event manager not working with organizer field values
FIXED: all day event & no end time deselecting not saving in event manager
FIXED: location and organizer from select list not saving
FIXED: location create new button not showing correct fields
FIXED: button default color not saving correct
UPDATED: styles minor update