EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.3

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.3 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
ADDED: Global eventon language definition
FIXED: Single event page not showing correct language
FIXED: lightbox events repeat events not showing correct language
FIXED: hide event end time not making span till end time field show
FIXED: Included handlebars library in admin event post page
FIXED: Organizer description not showing saved values
FIXED: Event custom meta data field strong and bullets not working
The plugin is activated,no license needed

ADDED: New SVG class object
ADDED: new forms object to handle all eventon forms
ADDED: MDT sanitize fields
ADDED: Support for event tag filtering
FIXED: All day events showing end date info
FIXED: activation lightbox tooltips not showing up
FIXED: input field psuedo colors bleeding into other areas
FIXED: Custom map styles not reflecting on location archive page
FIXED: Future event times in the repeating event series from event card not working correct
ADDED: new template class
ADDED: js handlebars library
FIXED: missing event start and end time from schema data
FIXED: repeats day of the week selection to match wp settings
FIXED: featured events not getting marked as featured
FIXED: do not delete option when eventON deleted, not working
FIXED: EVO_Calendar object to be constructed without any required values