EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.3

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.3 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
FIXED: AJDE library updates to shortcode interpretation
FIXED: mobile click on feature image not resizing
FIXED: cron schedule filter error
FIXED: not able to change event title color via appearance
FIXED: event type filters passing on empty values
FIXED: ICS add to calendar not passing timezone included value correct
FIXED: hide end time not reflecting when moving to new months
UPDATED: on load event content passing via json and ajax
UPDATED: new cal gen object to load calendar options on the load
ADDED: Sanitization to ics file download unix numbers
ADDED: social share title into languages for translation
FIXED: Month long events showing in other years
FIXED: hide featured events not working for other months
FIXED: Sort events by event posted date not working
FIXED: hide past events by start time not working is hide past value set in settings
FIXED: Variations addon showing twice under license
FIXED: month long events showing in incorrect months
FIXED: event top event title color not reflecting changes on tile mode
FIXED: event edit page showing fields when user interaction set to X
FIXED: several RTL compatibility issues on backend
FIXED: social share title missing on some
FIXED: slashes issue on location address
UPDATED: EVO_Event class
ADDED: Location and organizer more fields to CSV export
ADDED: location map settings reflect on location archive page
FIXED: and (&) sign in event name breaking email share information
FIXED: Event list months not translating correctly
UPDATED: event object to globalize event post meta values