EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.8

Download EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin 4.6.8 from nulled fire. EventOn - WordPress Event Calendar Plugin
FIXED: EventON license key format validation error
FIXED: filters not showing by default on calendars
ADDED: eventon icon to wysiwyg editor icons panel
ADDED: quick edit events to include span till hidden end time
ADDED: Bulk edit support for events in backend
ADDED: EventON basic integration for elementor
ADDED: EventON basic integration for gutenberg
FIXED: social share icons row in eventcard does not have close button
FIXED: jumper styles not working correct
FIXED: eventcard sub titles color not applying to all
FIXED: end date not showing when its all day event
FIXED: single event shortcode box not passing lang correctly
FIXED: ajax unix sanitization function for string length
FIXED: Event date time validation in backend
FIXED: month long event to only show one month name in tile view
FIXED: Incorrect tag closing in front end calendar
FIXED: wp_query_event_cycle() to include repeat interval value as well
FIXED: Event location to be able to open in new window option
FIXED: weekly repeats not showing in ascending order when start of week changed
UPDATED: EVO_Cal_Gen class to include function to set properties
UPDATED: license activation form validation
UPDATED: yes no button style
FIXED: AJDE library updates to shortcode interpretation
FIXED: mobile click on feature image not resizing
FIXED: cron schedule filter error
FIXED: not able to change event title color via appearance
FIXED: event type filters passing on empty values
FIXED: ICS add to calendar not passing timezone included value correct
FIXED: hide end time not reflecting when moving to new months
UPDATED: on load event content passing via json and ajax
UPDATED: new cal gen object to load calendar options on the load