ez Form Calculator - WordPress plugin

Download ez Form Calculator - WordPress plugin from nulled fire. ez Form Calculator is an intuitive multi-purpose form creator for WordPress.
* Added: Nested calculation without any placeholders, e.g: x+(y-(z/a))
* Added: 'selected' and 'not selected' conditional operators added which check for a single selected checkbox. radio button or dropdown option
* Added: batch edit options (for checkbox / radio / dropdown, separator can be individually set in the global settings)
* Added: discount system can now change the factor individually. This is incredibly useful for quantity discounts (check the blog post for v2.9.9.0)
* Added: create "selected" condition for a single option value (checkbox / radio / dropdown) or all at once
* Added: Custom JS function ezfc_functions.get_element_id_by_name(form_id, name)
* Added: Custom JS replaces placeholder __form_id__ with the current form ID
* Added: Global settings custom JS code
* Added: daterange can now calculate workdays only
* Added: {{form_name}} email placeholder
* Added: Set elements can be allowed whether to read zero value or not
* Added: target value can be conditionally set to the current element's value
* Added: total price can now be conditionally shown or hidden
* Added: nested calculation templates
* Fixed: condition activate/deactivate
* Fixed: multiple conditions check (conditional chain)
* Fixed: SMTP can now mail to multiple email addresses
* Fixed: add to Mailchimp list
* Fixed: uploaded files couldn't be downloaded on certain webservers
* Fixed: conditional hidden elements were sometimes calculated incorrectly
* Fixed: ReCaptcha
* Fixed: daterange now checks for min/max days in the backend
* Fixed: Stripe payment
* Fixed: responsive layout for default-alternative theme
* Added: visual indicator for opened elements
* Fixed: when calculating with targets, target factors were always calculated even though it should be the "raw" value. An option has been added to calculate targets without their factors (use raw target value without factor)
* Fixed: restrict checkboxes didn't work when using images
* Fixed: images weren't displayed in the previous version
* Fixed: PayPal payment
* Fixed: when dealing with required conditional elements (conditional hidden) and disabled dropdown / radio / checkbox options, the form couldn't be submitted