Download FacetWP 4.3.6 from nulled fire. Use FacetWP to add faceted search to your eCommerce sites, resource libraries, search pages.
added support for SearchWP 4.0.0
auto-populate $_GET variables for ajax refreshes
added facetwp_use_bigint hook for sites with abnormally large IDs
prevent the "facetwp-pager" CSS class from being added twice
clear the "Source other" setting when switching facet types
PHP 5.6+ is required
ACF 5.0+ is required (if using Advanced Custom Fields)
The WP REST API is required (the deprecated wp_ajax fallback was removed)
the Indexer now uses a temp table to prevent front-end downtime!
added "Any" option for Radio facets
added "Copy shortcode" button for templates
added "Default label" setting to the pager facet (for the "Per page" feature)
FacetWP_Request class for request handling (and for preload logic)
Admin UI - better styling of the "Name" field for facets and templates
Query builder - added "DATE" custom field type, much better date support
removed deprecated mysql_real_escape_string fallback for older PHP versions
accessibility.js support for search facet placeholders
prevent #hash clicks when FacetWP is in use
better styling for layout builder "Color" fields
"pager" and "per_page" shortcodes now use Pager facet logic (DRY principle)
Query builder - replaced vue-multiselect with vue-select
removed the "Spin" loading animation, improved the default loader (Fade)
filtering error when a pager facet is in use
pager facet was breaking the selections shortcode (on pageload)
libs (flatpickr 4.6.3, noUiSlider 14.1.1, SortableJS 1.10.2, Vue 2.6.11, Vue.Draggable 2.23.2)
Fix: pager facet showed "1 result" incorrectly
Fix: pager facet labels are translatable via the facetwp_i18n hook