Download FacetWP 4.3.5 from nulled fire. Use FacetWP to add faceted search to your eCommerce sites, resource libraries, search pages.
fixed: filtering bug introduced in 3.3.10
-reverted javascript createNodeIterator tweak from 3.3.8 (was breaking IE)
-changed fSelect search input's type to "text" to disable the browser-specific "x" button
-admin UI - drag-and-drop was occasionally placing items in the wrong spot
-WooCommerce - a custom query was accidentally using a hard-coded table prefix
-support ACF "page link" field type
-use a custom query to significantly speed up indexing of WC products
-admin UI - show the facet / template name on hover
-autocomplete choices not appearing in the User Selections box
-only show autocomplete choices relevant to the current result set
-removed the fallback wp_doing_ajax function
-removed the SEO pager