August 18, 2017 New: rebuilt admin UI New: support for custom URL prefixes New: added fSelect "Hierarchical" setting Improved: hookable admin settings screen Improved: fSelect auto-refresh on each selection (when multi-select) Improved: cache update checks (transients stink) Improved: on taxonomy archive pages, taxonomy facets should show only children of the current term Improved: support for "Other data source" setting with ACF date_picker fields Improved: support more date range scenarios (e.g. 2 data sources using "Exact" display) Improved: proximity "Clear location" setting is now translatable Improved: "No results found" text is now translatable Fix: proximity issue preventing exact matches from showing Fix: incorrect argument order with facetwp/save/{facet_type} JS hook Fix: fSelect IE11 selection issue Updated noUiSlider Updated flatpickr Updated translations
2.9.3 July 24, 2017 Fix: template detection issue for some sites using FacetWP + WooCommerce + Yoast SEO (workaround for WP core bug #40393) Removed front-end nonces (fixes caching issues)
New: added `wp_doing_ajax()` polyfill for WP < 4.7 Fix: add-on updater wasn't naming plugin folders properly Fix: WooCommerce PHP notice (changed to `$product->get_type()`) Fix: JS `show_expanded` console error Fix: issue with date range facets during pagination Fix: skip template auto-detection for non-FWP ajax requests Fix: EDD [downloads] query detection (props @spencerfinnell) Added support for `loop_no_results` hook (arriving in WP 4.9)