New Features
- Set design categories per view
- Upload progress when adding an image When uploading picture show a progressbar : Fancy Product Designer
- Only jpg, png or svg can be selected through the modal when uploading images
- Agreement modal for image upload Add agreement modal when uploading an image. : Fancy Product Designer
- Advanced image editor for PNG and JPEG images, that allows to set a custom mask, filters and to manipulate the color.
- The currency options from woocommerce are also used for price display in the designer
- The user can edit and save WooCommerce orders in the account as long as the order is not completed, cancelled, refunded or failed Allow customers to modify their design in their account : Fancy Product Designer
Bugs fixed
- Call to undefined variable for downloadable WooCommerce products
- View options not correctly formatted when loading from variation
- All gallery images were replaced when using lightbox and replace product image
- Fixed some core issues
New Features
- Ready for the new Add-on Pricing
Bugs fixed
- When using any composer and saving a post, the products and categories were removed
New Features
- Set design categories per upload zone or per view Select design categories per Upload Zone : Fancy Product Designer
- Mark view as optional, so the price for the view will added to the total product price first when the user unlocks it. This is useful e.g. when selling business cards and the back side of the card is an option. Fix prise for using second view : Fancy Product Designer
- Option to save customised products in user's account instead of his browser. Accessing Saved Designs : Fancy Product Designer
Bugs fixed
- Improved unslash method to remove slashes from order data
- Data stored in _fpd_data to prevent showing up in order details rename meta key "fpd_data" to "_fpd_data" : Fancy Product Designer
- The „View customised product“ link were only displayed when the option „Order: Element Properties“ was enabled
- Get A Quote not working was not working with variable products
- Canvas position issue when setting a zoom and changing views
- Improved font loading across all browsers