Give - Fee Recovery 2.2.2

Download Give - Fee Recovery 2.2.2 from nulled fire. With Fee Recovery you can set global Fee Recovery options and then additionally customize fees
* New: Added Fee Recovery support for Manual Donations add-on. You can now add fees to donations that you add manually!
* Fix: Conflict with PDF receipts causing a "Fatal error: Call to undefined function __give_20_bc_str_type_email_tag_param()" error.
* Fix: Per gateways fees were no calculating properly due to jQuery conflict in the 1.3.6 release. This has been fixed.
* Fix: Improved JS with jQuery no conflict mode. This should help prevent conflicts with other plugins.
* Tweak: Fee recovery now enqueues admin scripts using give core function to check whether current page is a give one.
* Fix: Conflict with the thousands separator that lead to miscalculated fee amount for donations more than $1,000.
* Tweak: Added compatibility for the future swap from qTip to hint CSS tooltips.