Give - Form Field Manager 3.0.5

Download Give - Form Field Manager 3.0.5 from nulled fire. Give Form Field Manager allows you to add and manage additional fields for your Give donation forms.
* New: There is now a duplicate field button for faster form building.
* Fix: Ensure requiring the file upload field prevents the form from submitting if no upload is provided.
* Fix: Hidden required fields won't stop the donation form from submitting.
* Fix: Ensure the checkbox field type passes the correct donor provided data rather.
* Fix: Improved validation so that missing required fields now receive the a "give-has-error" class added.
* Fix: The HTML field will no longer strip backslashes when it is saved.
* New: Fields can now be disabled without having to delete them.
* Tweak: Updated hooks for Give Core 2.1 compatibility.
* Fix: Provided better validation for required fields.
* Fix: Multiselect field values are not appearing in the field.
* Fix: Improved the discoverability of the meta email tags feature.
* Fix: Removed raw HTML from tooltips.
* Fix: The add-on uses the "startsWith" string function, which is unavailable in IE11 (or at least some versions of IE11). We have added a polyfill with the fix for this. Thanks @datesss
* Fix: Floating labels support now returned after last version broke it.