Give - Form Field Manager 3.0.5

Download Give - Form Field Manager 3.0.5 from nulled fire. Give Form Field Manager allows you to add and manage additional fields for your Give donation forms.
* Fix: Resolved issue where switching where custom fields could be removed when switching payment gateways if the donor had not previously completed any of the custom fields.
* Fix: Resolved issue with validating checkbox and radio fields marked as required.
* New: Added the ability to set a field's width. For instance, "half-width", "one-third", "two-thirds". This will allow you to create much better looking donation forms and tighen up the length.
* New: Added a locking functionality for form fields metakeys that warns admins that changing the metakey can change the visibility of historical data.
* New: When you switch gateways field data is preserved so donors don't have to retype anything when changing their mind about their payment method.
* New: Added a CSS class input to the Section field type to easily adjust CSS.
* New: You can now set a maximum for the number of repeater fields allowed to be created.
* New: Custom fields are now displayed within the donation receipt.
* New: There is now a new "hidden" field type.
* Tweak: Removed the "Size" attribute for "Maxlength" to allow admins to set a maximum number of characters for "Text", "Phone", "Email", "URL" and "Repeater" field types.
* Tweak: Added a min-height to the multiselect field for to improve compatiblity with some themes.
* Tweak: By default new fields added will not have "yes" as a value for whether the field is required or not.
* Tweak: Sections now default to a fieldset legend rather than an H3 tag.
* Tweak: Replaced all usave of get_post_meta() with give_get_meta().
* Tweak: Replaced usage of deprecated actions and filters.
* Fix: The website URL field now uses floating labels when enabled.
* Fix: The upload field no longer will display a bullet icon on some themes incorrectly.
* Fix: When Radio Button fields are Required an no default is set, it doesn't prevent the form from submitting.
* Fix: Custom field metaboxes no longer display incorrectly for renewal payments.
* Fix: When multiple donation forms are embedded on a page via shortcode the custom fields location could be conflicting.
* Fix: The plugin now fails gracefully (no errors/warnings) when the minimum PHP version is not met.