Give - Tributes 2.2.0

Download Give - Tributes 2.2.0 from nulled fire. With the Tributes Add-on you are not limited by set option of tributes.
* Fix: Utilize only AJAX validation rather than HTML5 based validation methods for hidden fields. This resolves a browser limitation issue for hidden fields attempting to be validated when the donor has not chosen the option.
* Tweak: The donor's full name is now displayed in the {tribute_info} tag rather than just the first name.
* Fix: Ensure the required asterisk on honoree email appears when floating are labels applied to the donation form.
* Fix: Ensure capitalization isn't stripped from the Tributes Options text in the eCard email message text.
* Fix: The Tributes email field now properly validates that the email input is properly formatted.
* New: Added support for Tribute exports to the Give Core CSV exporter.
* New: Added multiple message support to notices within wp-admin.
* New: The tribute options text is now sortable in Tributes settings section within wp-admin.
* New: Added bulk options to the Tributes list table in wp-admin.
* Tweak: Removed the "#" from the tributes' donation list to match other list screens in wp-admin.
* Tweak: If the plugin's minimum requirements are not met the plugin will no longer deactivate but rather be active but not able to be used until requirements are met.
* Fix: Required fields within the Tributes section can now be programatically set to not required.
* Fix: When a donor gave multiple times the name that was originally associated with the donor's email address was the one that is passed to the {donor_fullname} template tag regardless if a different name was submitted with the donation.