Gravity Forms User Registration Addon 5.3.0

Download Gravity Forms User Registration Addon 5.3.0 from nulled fire. The User Registration Add-On for Gravity Forms makes registering users a breeze.
- Fixed a PHP 7.3 warning when the update type feed is populating the form and it contains a file upload field.
- Added support for data retention in Gravity Forms 2.4.
- Fixed an issue with login widget when using special characters in password.
- Fixed an issue where the username, email, and password fields may not be validated on multi-page forms if the feed conditional logic is not met when the page containing those fields is submitted.
- Fixed a deprecated function notice with PHP 7.2 when processing update type feeds on form display.
- Fixed BuddyPress overriding the role after the user is created.
- Fixed text domains for string translations.
- Fixed the user_nicename being saved to the _usermeta table instead of the _users table.
- Fixed an issue with the login form submission when the password contains the less than character.
- Fixed a fatal error which occurred if the GFFormDisplay class is not available when getting the login form HTML.
- Fixed an issue introduced in 3.9 which prevents the Pending Activations from being listed when the database tables are utf8 encoded instead of the newer utf8mb4.
- Added support for data retention in Gravity Forms 2.4.