Gravity Perks - Populate Anything 2.0.39

Download Gravity Perks - Populate Anything 2.0.39 from nulled fire. Dynamically filter and populate field choices and values
Fixed issue where using input values from fields such as Address fields in filters would not work as expected.
Fixed issue where Populate Anything could conflict with the Elementor editor.
Fixed PHP error if using GF Image Choices 1.4.12 or newer.
Fixed issue where GP Nested Forms {Parent} merge tags could show the raw merge tag instead of an emptry string if used inside a Live Merge Tag.
Fixed PHP deprecation notice.
Fixed regression where editing entries with dynamically populated choices using the Entry Details edit screen would not persist the saved choices in some cases.
Fixed issue with the Email field type's Confirm Email input not populating if set to do so.
Improved compatibility with Gravity Flow's Form Submission Workfow Step by rendering Live Merge Tags in HTML fields.
Updated read-only fields to not allow "decoupling" when Live Merge Tags are used in their values.
Fixed a compatibility issue with Gravity Flow's Form Submission Workfow Step.