Gravity Perks - Populate Anything 2.0.40

Download Gravity Perks - Populate Anything 2.0.40 from nulled fire. Dynamically filter and populate field choices and values
Fixed issue where some fields may not get their data transferred with Gravity Flow Form Connector's Form Submission workflow step.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong entry from GravityView could be populated into fields.
  • Fixed issue where Live Merge Tags dependent on choices also containing LMTs would not work in some form setups.
Added triggerInputId and gppa parameters to the gppa_updated_batch_fields jQuery event.
Fixed issue where the Submit button would not be disabled when refreshing fields or Live Merge Tags when using "End of the last row" as the Submit Button Location.
Fixed issue where existing entry values wouldn't be used when populating certain choices/values when editing entries.