#### Added
* Support for the new Multiple Choice field introduced in Gravity Forms 2.9.
#### Fixed
* Fatal error when rendering a View that uses a GravityCharts widget.
* Entries with a field value of `0`, despite it being a valid choice, were not included in the chart.
* PHP 8.1 deprecation notices.
* Block CSS classes were not correctly applied when embedding a chart as an image.
This release fixes a JavaScript bug, enhances security, and updates internal components for better performance and compatibility.
#### Fixed
* JavaScript error when displaying GravityCharts feeds.
#### Security
* Enhanced security by adding a secret attribute to the Chart shortcode.
#### Updated
* [Foundation](https://www.gravitykit.com/foundation/) to version 1.2.16.
- Added an option to subscribe to GravityKit's newsletter from the Manage Your Kit screen.
- Added a setting in GravityKit > Settings > GravityKit to specify the GravityKit menu position in the Dashboard.
- Improved internal check for product updates that could still interfere with third-party plugin updates. Thanks, Aaron!
- Fixed a bug that prevented WordPress from loading third-party plugin translations after their updates. Thanks, Jérôme!
- Success message now shows correct product name after activation/deactivation.
- Optimized performance.
#### Added
* Ability to nest conditional logic filters and to filter entries based on the current user's role(s).
#### Updated
* [Foundation](https://www.gravitykit.com/foundation/) to version 1.2.12.
- Fixed a bug that hid third-party plugin updates on the Plugins and Updates pages.
- Resolved a dependency management issue that incorrectly prompted for a Gravity Forms update before activating, installing, or updating GravityKit products.
- Transients are now set and retrieved correctly when using object cache plugins.
- Fixed a JavaScript warning that occurred when deactivating license keys and when viewing products without the necessary permissions.
- Resolved PHP warning messages on the Plugins page.
- Transients are no longer autoloaded.
- GravityKit products that are already installed can now be activated without a valid license.
- Fixed PHP warning messages that appeared when deactivating the last active product with Foundation installed.