GravityView - Gravity Forms Calendar 2.7.1

Download GravityView - Gravity Forms Calendar 2.7.1 from nulled fire. Display Gravity Forms entries in a dynamic calendar.
* Added: Dynamic loading of events based on the date range displayed by the Calendar view
* Improved: Compatibility with Gravity Forms 2.5
* Improved: Synchronization with the GravityView DataTables layout
* Improved: The previously used tooltip library was replaced with [Tippy.js]( v6.3.0
- The tooltip element structure has changed and will break any custom styles
- A custom `gv-calendar` theme is used that can be styled as per [the official guide](
* Updated: [FullCalendar]( library was updated to v5.6
- This is a major release that introduces breaking changes; please consult the [v5.x upgrade guide](
* Updated: [Popper]( library was updated to v2.9.2

__Developer Updates:__
* Updated: New, updated and deprecated methods in the `GV_Extension_Calendar_Feed`, `GravityView_Calendar_Ajax` and `GravityView_Widget_Calendar` classes
* Added: `gravityview/calendar/extra_options` filter to modify non-core calendar options (e.g., AJAX URL, nonce, etc.)
* Added icon for [GravityView 2.10]( widget picker
* Fixed: Calendar would improperly display entries edited using GravityView's Inline Edit extension; thank you, Thomas!

__Developer Updates:__

* Added: `gravityview/calendar/settings/search_criteria` filter to specify search criteria for form entries with events.
* Added: `gravityview/calendar/settings/sort_order` filter to specify sort order for form entries with events.
* Fixed: Calendar preview fails to load until a new Feed is saved