= 3.1.3 on March 5, 2024 =
The release improves functionality by adding new features, resolving display issues, and updating internal components to enhance performance and compatibility.
#### Added
* A setting to hide the Geolocation Radius Unit that is not the default one being used.
* Google Maps API key check verifies if the Places API service is enabled
* Pagination when using the "Search as map moves" feature.
### Improved
* When available, coordinates from Gravity Wiz's Address Autocomplete perk are reused for entries not previously geocoded by GravityView Maps.
#### Fixed
* An issue where Default Unit field was not being displayed when using List view or Table view.
* Map disappearance when "Hide view data" was checked and no entries were found upon moving the map.
#### Updated
* [Foundation](https://www.gravitykit.com/foundation/) and [TrustedLogin](https://www.trustedlogin.com/) to versions 1.2.11 and 1.7.0, respectively.
- GravityKit product updates are now showing on the Plugins page.
- Database options that are no longer used are now automatically removed.
- Transients are now set and retrieved correctly when using object cache plugins.
- GravityKit products that are already installed can now be activated without a valid license.
- Fixed a JavaScript warning that occurred when deactivating license keys and when viewing products without the necessary permissions.
- Resolved PHP warning messages on the Plugins page and Updates pages, and when deactivating the last active product with Foundation installed.