* Added: You can now use Drop Down and Radio Buttons field choices to set an entry's map marker icon—you can show different icons based on the submitted value of the fields! [Learn more about choice-based marker icons](https://docs.gravitykit.com/article/889-a).
- A huge thanks to [Jetsloth](https://jetsloth.com) for letting us use their excellent [Image Choices](https://jetsloth.com/gravity-forms-image-choices/) code as a base for this feature
* Added: A "Link the Title" View setting to control whether the info box Title automatically links to the single entry page
* Improved: Optimize marker rendering on the map
* Improved: Updated the default map icon to be a vector graphic instead of an image
* Improved: Map zoom options now include some helper text to be clearer
* Fixed: Fatal error on some hosts that use weak security keys and salts
__Developer Updates__
* Modified: `map-marker-infowindow.php` template now uses `link_open` and `link_close` placeholders and the anchor tag is passed into the template. A reminder: you can use the `gravityview/maps/infowindow/content/vars` to modify the info box content.
* Modified: Markers in the `GV_MAPS` JavaScript object now pass an array for `icon`, instead of `icon_url`. This allows modifying the icon size, anchor, etc. before being rendered on the map.