Developer Updates:
- Added: A "Connected Views" menu on the Gravity Forms Forms page – hover over a form to see the new Connected Views menu!
- Fixed: Additional slashes being added to the custom date format for Date fields
- Fixed: Quiz letter grade not updated after editing an entry that has Gravity Forms Quiz fields
- Fixed: Single Entry screen is inaccessible when the category is part of a URL path (using the %category% tag in the site’s Permalinks settings)
- Fixed: Issue where GravityView CSS isn’t loading in the Dashboard for some customers
- Fixed: Display uploaded files using Gravity Forms’ secure link URL format, if enabled
- Updated Polish translation. Dziękuję Ci, @dariusz.zielonka!
- Added: gravityview/template/table/use-legacy-style filter to use the legacy Table layout stylesheet without any responsive layout styles (added in GravityView 2.1) – Here’s code you can use
- Added: gravityview/view/can_render filter to allow you to override whether a View can be rendered or not
- Added: gravityview/widgets/search/datepicker/format filter to allow you to modify only the format used, rather than using the gravityview_search_datepicker_class filter
- Fixed: Fixed an issue when using custom entry slugs where non-unique values across forms cause the entries to not be accessible
- Fixed: Undefined index PHP warning in the GravityView Extensions screen
- Fixed: Removed internal usage of deprecated GravityView functions
- Limitation: "Enable lightbox for images" will not work on images when using Gravity Forms secure URL format. Contact support for a work-around, or use a different lightbox script.
Fixed: Slashes being added to field quotes
Fixed: Images showing as links for File Upload fields on September 27, 2018
2.1 on September 27, 2018
- Fixed: Responsive table layout labels showing sorting icon HTML
- Fixed: Responsive table layout showing table footer
Developer Notes:
- Added: You can now send email notifications when an entry is approved, disapproved, or the approval status has changed. Learn how
- Added: Automatically un-approve an entry when it has been updated by an user without the ability to moderate entries
- Added: Easy way to install GravityView Extensions and our stand-alone plugins Learn how
- Added: Enable CSV output for Views Learn how
- Added: A "Page Size" widget allows users to change the number of entries per page
- Added: Support for displaying a single input value of a Chained Select field
- Added: The Table layout is now mobile-responsive!
- Improved: Added a shortcut to reset entry approval on the front-end of a View: "Option + Click" on the Entry Approval field
- Fixed: Custom date format not working with the {date_created} Merge Tag
- Fixed: Embedding a View inside an embedded entry didn’t work
- Fixed: "Link to entry" setting not working for File Upload fields
- Fixed: Approval Status field not showing anything
- Updated translations – thank you, translators!
- Polish translated by @dariusz.zielonka
- Russian translated by @awsswa59
- Turkish translated by @suhakaralar
- Chinese translated by @michaeledi
- Added: Process shortcodes inside [gv_entry_link] shortcodes
- Added: gravityview/shortcodes/gv_entry_link/output filter to modify output of the [gv_entry_link] shortcode
- Added gravityview/widget/page_size/settings and gravityview/widget/page_size/page_sizes filters to modify new Page Size widget
- Modified: Added data-label attributes to all Table layout cells to make responsive layout CSS-only
- Modified: Added responsive CSS to the Table layout CSS ("table-view.css")
- Improved: Reduced database lookups when using custom entry slugs
- Introduced GVView->can_render() method to reduce code duplication
- Fixed: Don’t add gvid unless multiple Views embedded in a post
- Fixed: PHP 5.3 warning in when using array_combine() on empty arrays
- Fixed: Apply addslashes to View Configuration when saving, fixing {date_created} format
- REST API: Allow setting parent post or page with the REST API request using post_id={id} (learn more)
- REST API: Added X-Item-Total header and meta to REST API response