Download GravityView 2.33 from nulled fire. GravityView is the best way to display Gravity Forms entries on your website.
Fixed: “Enable sorting by column” not visible when using table-based View Presets
Fixed: Error activating the plugin when Gravity Forms is not active
Fixed: Numeric sorting
Fixed: Compatibility issue with WPML 3.6.1 and lower
Tweak: When using ?cache to disable entries caching, cached data is removed
  • Added: Support for embedding [gravityview] shortcodes in Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) fields
  • Fixed: PHP warnings and notices
Fixed: Advanced Filters no longer filtered
Fixed: Fatal error when viewing Single Entry with a Single Entry Title setting that included Merge Tags
Fixed: Cache wasn’t cleared when an entry was created using Gravity Forms API (thanks Steve with Gravity Flow!)