ADDED: new Page Scroller element – now it's possible to jump through page sections via mouse scroll or via swipe gesture on touch screens (Example 1). Also it's possible to display navigation dots on screen side (Example 2, Example 3)
ADDED: Testimonials categories – now it's possible to display testimonials of specific categories only
IMPROVED: Google Maps API key option – now it is located in Theme Options > General Settings, this allows to avoid adding the key to every Google Maps content element
UPDATED: Ultimate Addons to version 3.16.8 (changelog)
FIXED: issue when Responsive options of columns don't work for mobiles (columns always have been stacked into a single column)
FIXED: rare bug when main menu item doesn't have a highlight as current item if it is used for "one page" scrolling
FIXED: issue when some videos don't have fullscreen mode in Portfolio Item popup
FIXED: cutting edge of the first left item of carousel in Logos Showcase element
FIXED: issue when Custom Menu in Footer shows debug notice
FIXED: alignment of mobile Main Menu in Vertical Header
FIXED: incorrect line break in Contacts element in Safari