This version is not nulled yet,the devs have changed the code and we have to find new way to null this
ADDED new ability to add custom content to a menu dropdown – now it's possible to add sidebars as menu items. Create a sidebar, populate it with widgets and add it into any menu dropdown
ADDED built-in ability to upload SVG files and use them in theme elements
ADDED full RTL support of WooCommerce pages
IMPROVED "Optimize CSS size" option – now the code from Custom CSS field is also added to the generated CSS file (instead of always being on every site page)
IMPROVED generated CSS styles of site headers – now pages don't include styles which are not used of the current header, this reduces all site pages size
IMPROVED portfolio breadcrumbs – added option which allows to set any page as intermediate breadcrumb
IMPROVED theme update notification – now it also appears when Impreza is not activated
IMPROVED support of Visual Composer – updated elements icons for backend editor
UPDATED brand color of YouTube in social links
UPDATED Header Builder to version 2.0.4
UPDATED Translation files
FIXED bug when header elements are not shown in header area, if it disabled on default state, but enabled on tablets and mobiles states
FIXED bug when some content rows overlap others on small screens, if "Disable extra features of Visual Composer" option is turned off
FIXED issue when some options of Visual Composer > Role manager were reset when Templatera plugin is active
FIXED bug when datepicker is overlapped by header in new version of The Events Calendar plugin
FIXED bug when styles and scripts of Ultimate Addons are not loaded for elements in site footer
FIXED password form on password protected posts for better support of 3rd-party plugins
FIXED accessibility issues with social links, contact form and comments form
FIXED WPML translation issues with headers and menu dropdowns
FIXED issue when website page title is not overwritable by plugins
FIXED appearance issues with RTL languages
FIXED some minor bugs
- ADDED new Blog widget – now it's possible to display posts in sidebar and footer:
- with preview images
- with date, comments, tags, categories, author
- of specific categories only
- in any order
- ADDED new "Optimize CSS size" option – when it is active, the theme will load only one CSS file with all theme components. It's possible to disable unused components to reduce the file size. This can greatly improve pages loading speed.
- IMPROVED Header Options – now it's possible to set different headers for Shop page and for Products pages separately (when WooCommerce is enabled)
- IMPROVED Blog and Portfolio responsive behavior – now their columns quantity is changed only when it less then current columns quantity
- IMPROVED loading of Google Fonts – now several fonts merged into a single request for better pages speed loading
- IMPROVED Addons admin page – now it separates premium and free plugins for better understanding
- IMPROVED Footers admin page – added "Used in" column and ability to duplicate footers
- IMPROVED names and descriptions of the most theme options for better understanding
- IMPROVED Image Gallery element – added option to disable popup opening on click
- UPDATED Header Builder to version 2.0.3
- UPDATED Translation files
- FIXED issue when site header is not shown after Header Builder update to version 2.0 on servers with PHP 5.3
- FIXED issue when posts with Modern & Trendy layouts don't pass their featured images to Facebook
- FIXED issue in a header when hidden elements are visible on tablets or mobiles during page loading
- FIXED issue when Demo Import is not working with active "WordPress Importer" plugin
- FIXED issue when Sticky Row and Page Scroller don't work on pages without header
- FIXED broken columns in Safari when original styles of Visual Composer are loaded
- FIXED issue when Demo Import doesn't import menus on servers with PHP 7
- FIXED work of "Default (from Theme Options)" Sidebar value in Page Options
- FIXED styling issues of Gravity Forms when "Output CSS" option is disabled
- FIXED bug when Header for Archive pages is also applies for regular pages
- FIXED issue when Demo Import doesn't import menus dropdown settings
- FIXED bug when vertical header doesn't show menu dropdowns on iPad
- FIXED bug when mobile menu is not closed after click on menu item
- FIXED not scrollable content in Portfolio Popup on iPhone and iPad
- FIXED bug when Page Scroller element blocks scrolling in a popup
- FIXED "Email" link opening in a new tab in Social Links VC element
- FIXED issue when Custom CSS field doesn't apply "calc()" values
- FIXED bug when Image Slider shows image alt instead of title
- FIXED conflict of Templatera and Header Builder plugins
- FIXED issue when vertical header overlaps a sticky row
- FIXED some minor bugs
- IMPROVED Footers Options – now it's possible to set different footers for Shop page and for Products pages separately (when WooCommerce is enabled)
- IMPROVED Menu support – added fallback "Custom Menu" location for some 3-rd party plugins which need a menu location for correct work
- IMPROVED Mobile Menu – now the "hamburger" icon transformed into the "cross" icon when a menu is opened
- UPDATED Header Builder to version 2.0.2
- FIXED bug when Header with Custom HTML elements is disappear after update Header Builder to version 2.0
- FIXED work of Page Options > Footers Options on Shop page (when WooCommerce is enabled)
- FIXED bug when background video is not shown on RTL languages sites
- FIXED some minor visual issues of header elements