* New: Added setting "API request size" on the "Customize" tab to allow requesting of more posts than are in the feed. Setting this to a high number will prevent no posts being found if you often post IG TV posts and use a personal account.
* Tweak: Removed width and height attributes from the image element in the feed to prevent notices about serving scaled images in optimization tools.
* Tweak: Resized images can be used in the page source code when "Disable JS Image Loading" setting is enabled.
* Fix: Full captions would always show when using the "Disable JS Image Loading" setting.
* Fix: Using the masonry layout and the "Disable JS Image Loading" setting would cause a duplicate image to display on top of the post image.
* Fix: Using a single column for mobile devices and the "Highlight" layout would cause images to display larger than the feed width.
* Fix: Map marker would display as a font icon instead of an SVG.
* Fix: Raw image file opening instead of lightbox for some sites after updating to version 5.2.
* New: New feed type "Tagged". Show posts that your account has been "tagged" in on Instagram. Must have a connected business account to use this feed type.
* New: Added the ability to overwrite default templates in your theme. View [this article](https://smashballoon.com/guide-to-creating-custom-templates/) for more information.
* New: Added several PHP hooks for modifying feeds settings and functionality.
* Tweak: Retrieving posts from recent hashtag feeds available only in cache made more lenient to accommodate minor changes in the feed settings.
* Fix: Using the "Load Initial Posts with AJAX" setting would cause images to not resize with the browser window.
* Fix: Added back language files for translations.
* Fix: Changing the image resolution setting would not change the image size.
* Fix: MySQL error when retrieving resized images.
* Fix: Follow button would not show if there was no connected account.
* Fix: Deleting any connected account will delete any connected accounts that have errors in the data that was saved for them.
* Fix: Masonry style layout would not adjust when caption was expanded.
* Fix: Moderation mode would open multiple feeds when used on a page that had multiple feeds.
* Fix: Adding a comma at the end of a list of words used in filters would cause the filter to not work properly.