* New: Added filter "sbi_settings_pages_capability" to change what permission is needed to access settings pages.
* Tweak: Better error messages for no posts being found and API request delays.
* Tweak: If "Favor Local Images" setting is in use, a 640px resolution image will be created for images coming from a personal account.
* Tweak: Better error recovery when image file not found when viewing the feed.
* Tweak: Added "noreferrer" to links found in the captions in the lightbox display.
* Tweak: Button and input field styling updated to look better with WordPress 5.3.
* Fix: Accounts that were connected prior to version 4.0 would not show the follow button if the header was not also displayed and would not retrieve comments to display in the lightbox. Visit the "Configure" tab to have the account automatically updated.
* Fix: Fixed incorrect URL for boxed-style header "follow" button.
* Fix: Clearing "white lists" would not work.
* Fix: Duplicate posts added to recent hashtag feeds when background caching enabled.
* Fix: MySQL error when retrieving resized images. Thanks [the-louie](https://github.com/the-louie)!