iThemes Security Pro 8.4.1

Download iThemes Security Pro 8.4.1 from nulled fire. iThemes Security Pro takes the guesswork out of WordPress security.
Bug Fix: Removed warning that could occur when upgrading from pre-3.6.0 versions of iThemes Security Pro.
Bug Fix: Fixed scenario that could cause users to have to provide two-factor authentication during login when the Two-Factor Authentication feature is disabled.
Bug Fix: Fixed link sent to users when using User Security Check to send an email reminder to a user prompting them to configure two-factor.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that could prevent generation of new two-factor codes on the profile page.
New Feature: Ability to require Two Factor for users with specific roles.
New Feature: Ability to require Two Factor for vulnerable users.
New Feature: Ability to require Two Factor when the site is vulnerable.
Enhancement: Added logging details about which two-factor provider was used when a two-factor authentication failed.
Enhancement: Improved efficiency of the Two Factor feature.
Enhancement: Added check for the ITSEC_DISABLE_INACTIVE_USER_CHECK define which allows for disabling the inactive user email notification.
Enhancement: Added check for the ITSEC_DISABLE_TWO_FACTOR define which allows for disabling all two-factor authentication. This should only be used temporarily to gain access to the site when locked out due to loss of valid two-factor methods.
Bug Fix: Fixed logging for failed recaptcha submissions.
-Bug Fix: Fixed issue that could notify that WordPress 4.7.1 (the current version) is an outdated version of WordPress.
-Removed Feature: Removed additional authentication method for REST API requests.