iThemes Security Pro 8.5.3

Download iThemes Security Pro 8.5.3 from nulled fire. iThemes Security Pro takes the guesswork out of WordPress security.
Enhancement: Updated queries and prepare statements to account for changes to the esc_sql() function in WordPress 4.8.3.
Bug Fix: Fixed the File Change module being incorrectly enabled when upgrading.

Bug Fix: Fixed source of the following warning: "mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given".
Bug Fix: Only enable the Lockout email notification is the Daily Digest was previously disabled.
Bug Fix: Fix JavaScript error when loading the Notification Center on some systems.
Bug Fix: Don't store WP Error objects for mail errors preventing a fatal error for rare PHPMailer errors.
Bug Fix: Prevent error on upgrade warning the subject line was empty.
Bug Fix: Ensure file change notification is properly enabled/disabled on upgrade.
Bug Fix: Fallback to correct default subject lines.
Bug Fix: Don't enable all administrators as the recipients for emails where all custom email addresses did not have corresponding users.
Upgrade Routine: Properly enable lockout and file change notifications, uncheck all administrators as recipients when necessary.
New Feature: Introduces the Notification Center, a centralized place to manage and customize email notifications sent by iThemes Security.
Bug Fix: Corrected some Javascript and CSS links not generating correctly on Windows servers.
Bug Fix: Properly restrict Application Password's to read only REST API rqeuests when overriding the HTTP method used.
Bug Fix: Ensure scheduled malware scan cron hook is setup when the module is activated.
Tweak: Simplify script enqueuing for Two Factor.