JetBooking For Elementor 3.6.3

Download JetBooking For Elementor 3.6.3 from nulled fire. JetBooking plugin is an indispensable tool for hotels, apartment, equipment leasing.
* UPD: Booking product thumbnail in product cart ([#7586](;
* UPD: Units manages better WPML compatibility;
* FIX: Month & Year selects configuration options with WC based form;
* FIX: Calendar widget and separate field datepicker sync view.
* ADD: Controls for month and year select in date range picker calendar ([#1406](;
* ADD: Booking period configuration settings for individual apartment ([#7570](;
* ADD: Ability to delete related post on booking delete in plain mode;
* ADD: Statuses filter hooks;
* ADD: Hooks for actions before and after bookings import;
* FIX: Seasonal prices calendar display;
* ADD: Bookings calendar view in admin panel ([#6303](;
* ADD: Bookings timeline view in admin panel ([#1425](;
* UPD: Bookings actions popups in admin panel;
* UPD: Booking product price display;
* UPD: JetDashboard module to 2.2.0 version;
* Tweak: Booking details popup called from URL parameter;
* FIX: Edit popup datepicker initialization after open from details popup;
* FIX: Compatibility with WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage;