Justified Image Grid - Premium WordPress Gallery 4.7

Download Justified Image Grid - Premium WordPress Gallery 4.7 from nulled fire. The Justified Image Grid plugin for Wordpress installed easily, and works fantastic.
v3.4.1 – January 11, 2017 – Hotfix for PHP errors, PHP 5.3 or newer is now required.

  • Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context
  • Check if PHP 5.3 or newer is in use, as it is now a requirement.
v3.4 – January 11, 2017 – RML v2.8 compatibility, some Instagram-related changes, better sitemap.

New features:
  • Ability to enter a 3rd party Instagram access token to restore Instagram functionality. Still a workaround, but if you can get your hands on such access token, you are good to go!
  • WP Real Media Library v2.8 compatibility.
  • You can skip overriding an MLA gallery with mla_alt_shortcode=mla_gallery instead of the value “no”.
  • New user agent for CURL.
  • Instagram content by Location feature wan’t working as it was expecting the retired Foursquare ID. Not it’s using the Facebook places ID.
  • Instagram “feed” option is removed, since the API no longer supports that endpoint. It was the content you see posted by people you follow. This is no longer possible, even with an access token with public_content.
  • Some galleries weren’t included in the Yoast sitemap. It affected those with an empty (no ids) shortcode or certain NextGEN-based JIG galleries. Also, auto-taken-over WP galleries were completely missing from the Yoast sitemap.
  • Fixed handling of images with spaces in their filename in RSS feeds.
  • In the Link rel setting, the instance wasn’t replaced on the fly (for lightbox deeplinking) unless it was in square brackets.
  • NextGEN: empty albums were causing Notice: Undefined variable: cover_image
  • Warning: curl_setopt_array(): CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when an open_basedir is set.
  • Spanish translation – Thank you Ana from Caribdis Web.
  • Documentation
  • MobileDetect to 2.8.24
v3.3 – November 2, 2016 – Real Media Library and NextGEN compatibility refreshed, 0-byte download problem fixed, many improvements and fixes.

New features:

  • It’s now possible to set a custom link for Recent posts on the post itself. This is done via a custom field, the name of which you supply in the shortcode editor. Otherwise it can use the featured image’s JIG Link field.
  • Filtering for WP Real Media Library can be extended to folder and collection views.
  • Translation of certain NextGEN content via WPML is changed. JIG uses the new variable name format, same as new NextGEN. This only affects previously-translated gallery titles and description, album descriptions. If you wish to use your old translations, add this to your functions.php: define(‘JIG_NG_I18N_OLD_WAY’, true);
    • gal_11_description -> gallery_11_description
    • gal_29_title – > gallery_29_name
    • album_6_albumdesc -> album_6_description
  • Recently-changed NextGEN ngg_images shortcode attributes are now supported for automatic take-over (not sure why they would change the way it works). Single picture shortcode attribute is unknown at the moment.
  • No longer matching the NextGEN shortcode attribute “Images per page” to the limit setting of JIG as it’s not the same thing.
  • Made image download script more robust to fallback from CURL in case of SSL problems, even without touching CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER option.
  • Lightbox backlinks (such as Recent posts, Flickr, etc) are now marked with a class “jig-lightboxLink” for easier customization via CSS. Holds true for download links too, with the class “jig-downloadLink”.
  • Recent posts’ date options in the description take locale into account from now on (no more English month names).
  • NextGEN custom field for Links setting added to Shortcode Editor too, this allows you to show different links on the same images in different galleries, when using multiple NG custom fields.
  • Custom link’s target is now applied to recent posts, making it possible to open them on a new tab, etc.
  • Automatic WP gallery take-over feature is initialized a bit later, making it possible to override some themes’ alternative galleries.
  • Better support for Hebrew and other special characters with NextGEN albums and galleries.
  • Custom link override setting is now affected by custom link’s target setting.
  • YouTube (RSS source) thumbnails are no longer passed through Jetpack Photon as it rejects resizing them. This resulted in some distortions when aspect ratio and/or randomize thumbnail width settings were used.
  • 0-byte image download problem fixed.
  • CURL-less image download problem fixed.
  • WP Real Media Library v2.6.5 compatibility fixing the “Invalid WP Real Media Library ID encountered” problem.
  • Shortcode Editor for Visual Composer would open at the top and not in the middle of visible viewport if the gallery block was placed lower on the page (problem only affected backend editing).
  • Shortcode Editor showed a 0 (zero) when opened from Visual Composer while you had the “Disable the visual editor when writing” option checked in your profile.
  • Settings screen values are now escaped. Problem was most prominent when putting HTML formatted values to settings like “Text to show before the grid”.
  • Breadcrumb separator minus is now working properly, previously the Shortcode Editor generated it called “miuns”.
  • Very old NextGEN images that have missing metadata caused a PHP warning, despite being shown in the grid.
  • Individual social sharing for very old NextGEN images had a problem that is related to the previous fix.
  • Beaver builder incompatibility (forever loading text editor settings screen).
  • Some (or completely) missing images in RSS feeds due to not following redirects on remote images when determining their dimensions via CURL. Redirects are not followed when safe mode is used (that would trigger an error).
  • Magnific Popup arrow button markup fixed.
  • Shortcode Editor for Visual Composer would revert to regular version when closed while loading then reopened. Also, it’ll always show the proper version depending on where you opened it from (normal editor from a text block or properly from VC).
  • Brooklyn theme incompatibility about PhotoSwipe being skipped is now resolved – ReferenceError: module is not defined
  • Unsetting values after all foreach loops when they are passed by reference.
  • Fixed notice about unserialize() on line 3968
  • Spanish translation – Thank you Ana from Caribdis Web.
  • jQuery v3.1.1
  • jQuery dotdotdot 1.8.2 (maintained jQuery v3 compatibility customization)
  • Documentation