NEW FEATURES Introducing a new premium feature: Origami Added slider filters to control on which pages a slide should be displayed. Added new smart links options. IMPROVEMENTS Improved compatibility with older sliders. Improved compatibility with Internet Explorer 11. Improved compatibility with older versions of the GreenSock library. BUG FIXES Fixed orientation change issue on Android devices. Fixed layer stacking (z-index) issues on iOS and Safari. Fixed custom video poster images Fixed the Pause on hover option not being saved correctly. Fixed layer attributes in front-end sliders. Fixed the minimum font size options. Fixed footer and conditional script loading options not working properly in some cases. Fixed maxRatio issue. Countless other improvements and bug fixes.
Fixed slider export issues that affected some users. Fixed the AltGr key in keyboard shortcuts. Added Screen Option to disable keyboard shortcuts. Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Improved stability and compatibility with older versions of LayerSlider. Fixed known issues introduced in LayerSlider 6.