LayerSlider - Kreatura Slider Plugin for WordPress 7.11.0

Download LayerSlider - Kreatura Slider Plugin for WordPress 7.11.0 from nulled fire. LayerSlider is a premium multi-purpose slider for creating image galleries, content sliders
This update is a major overhaul that will take LayerSlider to the next level of performance and usability. It also prepares for a new wave of professional templates to be released soon. Here’s the list of changes this update offers:


  • Added Rounded Corners option to Project Settings → Appearance.
  • Added Mask Transitions option to Layers → Style.
  • Added Reset option to Parallax Transition to choose whether the layer’s original state should be restored on slide change or when the mouse leaves the slider.
  • Added Start At First option to Opening Transition to set the initial timing used in the first cycle.
  • Added Stacking Order option to Opening and Ending Transitions.
  • Added “Mask Text Fragments” to the Overflow option in Text Transitions.
  • Significantly improved Mask transition option in Opening/Loop/Ending Transitions with additional examples.
  • The random value syntax now accepts units such as “%” and custom LayerSlider units like “lw”, “lh”, “sw”, and “sh”.
  • If Scale X and Y use the same random formula, they will act as a linked field, and both will use the same random number to avoid distortions.
  • Box and Text shadows are now responsive and properly scaled.
  • Animate First Slide now works with the Start Only In Viewport option in Project Settings.
  • Fixed rendering issues affecting certain 2D slide transitions.
  • Fixed some issues with responsive border/padding when using “em” units.
  • Fixed how the Min. Responsive Ratio option behaves in some cases.
  • Fixed layout issues of pinned layers in Full-width sliders.


  • You can now import/export self-hosted video and audio content.
  • Refreshed user interface throughout the editor related to media layers.
  • Added “Immediately” to the Autoplay option to allow playing media layers even before they complete their Opening Transition.
  • The Project Preview now correctly reflects when “auto” is selected for the Play Muted option.
  • Fixed an issue where the Unmute button incorrectly appeared on some slides.


  • The Slides List in the Project Editor can now be pinned as a minimized toolbar for quick access.
  • The editor now retains and re-calculates percentage values used for positioning when you move, drag, or resize layers.
  • You can now add custom keywords to your projects used for searching and organization purposes.
  • When using the lasso, selectee layers will be highlighted for easier selection.
  • UI refresh and enhancements for the Templates Browser.
  • Capturing slides to set as thumbnails provides more accurate results.
  • Fixed selecting, resizing, and working with layers using position adjustments.
  • Fixed some layout issues with Responsive sliders in Project Preview.
  • Several small but very meaningful user interface improvements to navigate the Project Editor more naturally and conveniently, as well as to make it more accessible for people with disabilities.
  • Fixed font rendering issues in dropdown lists affecting Safari.


  • Generating significantly cleaner and more optimized markup to improve load times and reduce network traffic.
  • Increased rendering performance and eliminated graphical issues in certain cases.


  • LayerSlider now comes with its own blank WordPress page template. It’s a clean canvas free of your theme’s interface elements, making it ideal for pages featuring only LayerSlider projects, such as Full-size sliders.
  • LayerSlider’s Gutenberg block has been updated with a Project Info panel and some UI retouches, and it’s now also accessible for page editors even if they don’t have permission to edit LayerSlider projects.
  • Increased compatibility with older versions of PHP, most notably, a PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM error in PHP 5.4.
  • Improved compatibility with upcoming PHP versions.
Countless other optimizations, improvements, and bug fixes under the hood.
Introducing Smart Background, a new feature that allows you to customize how layer backgrounds behave. You can detach the background from a layer to create an effect as if you were looking through the layer - like a window - to the background. For example, you can create mosaic-like images when used with multiple layers. Read our blog post to see examples and learn more.
The whole project editor interface received countless improvements to enhance user experience and accessibility significantly. From clicking into option fields to selecting text, all behave more naturally. For example, text fields won't lose focus when clicking certain interface elements, smaller fields automatically expand to make room for longer values, etc. By popular demand, the active slide has also received a much more noticeable highlight.
A lot of additional transition properties can now handle random values. In addition to the already existing random feature, which picks a number from a range between two numbers, you can now also provide a list of fixed values to choose from randomly. They have a new, shorter, and easier syntax. Clicking the + sign next to a transition option field will reveal and provide examples for both.
Scroll Transition offers new transition properties: Alternate Transform Origin, Reverse Easing, and Reverse Duration. These allow you to drastically change how a layer reacts and animates when scrolling the page back and forth.
The color picker now offers a way to copy and paste colors and gradients across layers, slides, and projects. It now also properly updates as you undo/redo changes.
Assets Library now automatically retries downloading assets in case of a failed attempt, and it also comes with additional interface improvements.
System Status can now recognize and properly interpret and display special PHP settings used in edge cases.
Improved how layers with Parallax Transition behave and eliminated some jumpiness in certain cases.
Added additional mouse cursor options under the STYLE menu.
Fixed layout issues in OS native fullscreen mode.
Fixed an issue that prevented animating certain Ending Transition effects on slide change.
Fixed distorted images in the editor in rare and special cases depending on the zoom levels.
Fixed layer style filters not properly restored after cycling through slides.
Fixed the filter editor popup not correctly parsing special values in some cases.
Fixed an issue in the layers list that sometimes did not correctly reflect the selected layers in multi-select mode.
Lots of other small improvements and bug fixes under-the-hood.
Fixed dynamic layers and other issues caused by the previous security update.
Significant rendering performance improvements for Chrome.