LearnDash LMS WooCommerce Integration Addon

Download LearnDash LMS WooCommerce Integration Addon from nulled fire. Enables you to sell courses using the WooCommerce shopping cart.

Download LearnDash LMS WooCommerce Integration Addon from nulled fire

Enables you to sell courses using the WooCommerce shopping cart.
If you want to use WooCommerce, you will need the following installed and activated:

  • WooCommerce
  • LearnDash
  • WooCommerce Integration
Once installed, here are the steps:

Setting up WooCommerce
  1. Navigate to WOOCOMMERCE > SETTINGS > CHECKOUT, and make sure that Guest Checkout is disabled.
  2. Create a new product under PRODUCTS > ADD PRODUCTS
  3. Fill in the title and product description
  5. Add a price
  6. Click on the PRODUCT DATA dropdown, and select COURSE
  7. Select the appropriate course title in the course list
  8. Add any other feature such as sale price featured image, etc. Publish
  9. Quick note: I always like to add a link to the course page under PRODUCT DATA > ADVANCED > PURCHASE NOTE to make it easier for the user to navigate to the course once purchased
  10. Copy the product link
Setting up the Course
  1. Navigate to COURSES > Edit and scroll down
  2. Under PRICE TYPE select CLOSED
  3. In the CUSTOM BUTTON URL field, add the product link
  4. This will create a button that redirects the user to the WooCommerce product
As a final side note, we recommend opening a separate browser window to test from a non-logged in user to see al the buttons, etc. as the admin is automatically enrolled.

Next Steps: to set-up course registration, view this document.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why wasn’t a user created and enrolled into the associated course(s) after purchase?

The purchase must be in COMPLETED status. If your purchases are not arriving in completed status, add the following code to the functions.php file of your theme:

Automatically Complete Orders - WooCommerce Docs

Does this integration support manual payments?

No. You may need the following plugin to enable manual payments: Create Customer on Order for WooCommerce

Can I create bundles and memberships with WooCommerce and LearnDash?

Yes. This article explains how you can do this in more detail.

Why doesn’t “Add to Cart” translate to my language when the integration is active?

This is due to a setting in the integration. To resolve, edit the product and once the LearnDash course is selected, go back to the Simple product dropdown menu (the course selection will be saved) – then click ‘update’.

learndash lms
LearnDash LMS WooCommerce Integration Addon

(99.9 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By