MainWP Pro Reports Extension 5.0.6

Download MainWP Pro Reports Extension 5.0.6 from nulled fire. The MainWP Pro Reports extension is a fully customizable reporting engine.
* Fixed: an error with sending scheduled reports
* Fixed: compatibility with the Sucuri scan hook
* Added: support to fetch Site ID in report templates
* Added: mainwp_pro_reports_generate_report_content hook to support tokens in MainWP Dashboard notifications
* Added: mainwp_pro_reports_get_site_tokens hook to support tokens in MainWP Dashboard notifications
* Added: mainwp_pro_reports_generate_content hook to support tokens in MainWP Dashboard notifications
* Added: mainwp_pro_reports_fetch_remote_post_data hook for fetching post data
* Added: mainwp_pro_reports_send_local_time hook to allow sending reports in loca
* Updated: send email process to send reports at localtime.
* Updated: DOMPDF library version