MarketPlatz - Listings Marketplace & Classifieds Portal 1.0

Download MarketPlatz - Listings Marketplace & Classifieds Portal 1.0 from nulled fire. MarketPlatz/EasyAds is a comprehensive and fully customizable advertising CMS
- Added Major changes to the frontend theme
- Added new layout for admin interface
- Added cookie consent
- Added store in admin menu
- Added Mobile locations for advertising banners extension
- Added new version of stripe payment gateway
- Added changelog section in admin
- Added new Extensions manager
- Fixed search giving no results on category search
- Fixed skip packages on preview listing
- Fixed bug in security manager
- Fixed bug label zones
- Fixed bug with domain not belong to license in rare cases
- Fixed bug from taxes form about zone/country
- Optimised translation for select2
- Optimised custom fields search
- Optimised siteUrl within the application
- Optimised the logic for removing old images
- Optimised tables of security manager (charset)
- Added GDPR methods that makes EasyAds GDPR compliant
- Added Admin failed logins in an extension called Security Manager
- Added Customers failed logins in an extension called Security Manager
- Added inappropriate reporting for ads with custom reasons in an extension called Security Manager with multiple options
- Added Block IP access in an extension called Security Manager
- Added Ban customers in an extension called Security Manager
- Added Customer export data from multiple areas within the customer account
- Added function for customer to remove the account
- Added control to make Terms and condition mandatory or not in the join page
- Added control of minimum allowed age to join EasyAds
- Added Mass message system for admin to send an email to all the customers
- Added meta keywords and meta description to categories
- Added multiple business fields in invoice settings
- Added new logic for currency displaying.
- Added option to limit customer image size upload
- Added confirmation action for customers after join with link confirmation and control over the days to expire
- Added control for admin to write copyright
- Added sort function to ajax image upload
- Added Links between join and login
- Added phpinfo() section in admin
- Optimised map loading when no results
- Optimised checkout process
- Optimised Ajax upload images
- Optimised facebook share ads
- Optimised Ad view and preview pages
- Optimised admin grid for actions to be over ajax, this way is more user friendly
- Changed Stripe payment gateway
- Fixed issue with non UTF-8 characters from all the code
- Fixed main issue not loading in some cases
- Fixed Google maps scrollWheel issue
- Fixed negative price
- Fixed mobile rotate issue on specific phones for image uploads
- Added Maps view in the search of all the listings after selecting location
- Added filters and custom fields to the new Maps view
- Added functionality for a customer to set listing location marker on the map
- Added functionality for admin to edit and moderate a listing from admin panel including its promo package
- Added new social login features: Google, Twitter and LinkedIn
- Added better RTL views for all over the application
- Added new logic and display for location search from drop-down
- Added watermark extension with full control from admin panel
- Added new upload logic for images in listings
- Added new custom field type for URLs to add in categories
- Added feature to notify by email a customer if admin changed customer's listing
- Added functionality to deactivate all and activate all in : Countries, Zones and Currencies
- Added feature to limit the number of allowed uploaded images
- Added feature to permanently remove listing with all its media
- Added feature to permanently remove customer with all the listings attached to this customer
- Added feature to remove expired listings before a specific date
- Added feature to disable upgrade to store option
- Added notify customer before customer's listing expires
- Added two new sections for ad banners to include ads in the new map views
- Added feature to automatically remove junk media uploaded without attaching to a listing
- Added feature for price and custom field to accept all kind of numbers (e.g. decimals)
- Added feature to copy-paste into listing description
- Added feature to upload extensions from admin panel
- Fixed categories sorting in front-end
- Fixed integrity issue on creating custom fields in a category
- Fixed footer links issue
- Fixed mobile thumbnail upload images
- Optimised Facebook sharing attributes and graph params, now the listing will be shared correctly on Facebook
- Optimised translation all over the application
- Optimised mobile and desktop front-end views in all over the application
- Optimised mail system component