Massive Addons for WPBakery Page Builder 2.4.8

Download Massive Addons for WPBakery Page Builder 2.4.8 from nulled fire. Massive Addons for Visual Composer is the most complete extensions package.
- Plugin name into Massive Addons for WPBakery Page Builder

- Backend scripts are loaded only on WPBakery Page Builder enabled page/post

- Typography Presets edition and new presets creation
- IE11 Carousel Testimonial description text not wrapping
- URL param target=_blank issue
16/11/2016 - Version 2.2
- Wordpress 4.6.1
- Visual Composer 5.0
- WooCommerce 2.6.8
- Shortcodes Group name changed from MPC to Massive

- Filters and hooks to incorporate new fonts icons
- Counter Delay and Disable easing options
- Google API key for Google Maps
- Maximum Slide Show Delay increased to 15s for all carousels

- Fonts subset issue
- Presets popup issue
- Possible SSL issue in page installer
- RGBA color picker issue
- Single JS/CSS files with WC shortcodes
- WC Product displaying only first product
- Missing autocomplete field in some cases
- WC Product taxonomy now searches also in product tags
- Post Type names for autocomplete
- Grid Posts - single column item size
- Grid Posts isotope error
- Video Lightbox animation
- Youtube in Lightbox now has autoplay
- Charts init inside Tabs
- Tooltip position on page load
- Tooltip in Textblock shortcode
- Image shortcode inside Carousel Anything
- Navigation hiding behind Carousels
- Possible Slider/Carousels conflict with UA/themes
- Row compatibility issues
- Row performance with closing nodes detection
- Row regex fix for HTML comments like <!-- BEGIN : SECTION -->
- Disable Row issue
- Row display issue with Jupiter theme
- Toggle Row height issue
- merge_atts error with some themes
- Menu position conflict with Retailer theme
- Modal compatibility with Bridge theme
- Style Preset issue with The7 theme
- Other small fixes