Media File Renamer Pro 5.9.1

Download Media File Renamer Pro 5.9.1 from nulled fire. Auto-rename the files when titles are modified and update and the references (links).
* Fix: Corrected metadata display issue when using AI suggest all feature.
* Fix: Resolved potential renaming loop triggered by "On Post Save" event.
* Update: Initialized core at "init" to ensure apply_filters functions correctly.
* Optimization: Removed unnecessary attributes from rename response.
* Fix: Fixed media retrieval filtering with a sub-request for improved accuracy.
* Update: Better error messages.
* Fix: Issue with action_update_postmeta action.
* Fix: Issue with Sync Fields.
* Add: New "EXIF Context" option to help AI Vision to understand better the context of the image.
* Fix: "On Save" option was not working properly.
* Fix: Better handling of errors.
* Fix: Better handling of mime types.