Modern Events Calendar Pro 7.10.0

Download Modern Events Calendar Pro 7.10.0 from nulled fire. Manage Your Events in the Fastest, Easiest & Most Modern Way with the best WordPress Event Calendar
- Improved: Display attendees form on the event manage page (pro)
- Fixed: Some issues in EXDATE option of iCal feeds
- Fixed: Sending auto-emails (pro)
- Fixed: Search issue when there are multiple shortcakes in one page
- Fixed: Email placeholders
- Fixed: Full calendar skin when the search form is disabled
- Fixed: The backend booking menu when fees are disabled for pay locally gateway (pro)
- Fixed: An issue on disabling ticket times (pro)
- Fixed: Some issues in the attachment field of the booking form and file upload and store process (pro)
- Compatibility: WordPress v6.0
- Added: A new currency to the list of available currencies
- Improved: The iCal feed by adding sequence parameters to the feed
- Fixed: An issue in the monthly view
- Fixed: An issue in the dropdown of timezones in “Frontend Event Submission”
- Fixed: Some issues on displaying expired events in the manage event menu in WordPress backend
- Fixed: A time display issue in different skins when the time format is not a PHP standard format
- Fixed: An issue in sold-out notification
- Fixed: An issue in descending order
- Improved: Ability to translate datepicker in the General Calendar skin
- Improved: The iCal code
- Fixed: An issue in Google schema
- Fixed: Some conflicts with other plugins
- Fixed: Some HTML code issues
- Fixed: An issue in the social widget
- Fixed: Some issues with the w3c standard