Newsletter - Mailersend 1.0.6

Download Newsletter - Mailersend 1.0.6 from nulled fire. Integrates Newsletter with SendGrid services.
Integrates Newsletter with SendGrid services. Automatic updates available setting the license key on Newsletter configuration panel.

The MailerSend Addon is free, you can install it from the Addons page on the Newsletter plugin administration side of your WordPress blog or by downloading the zip package from your account page at and installing it as a regular plugin.

To use MailerSend delivery service you need an account (both for the free or paid plans) and a validated domain: MailerSend provides a step-by-step procedure to validate the domain you want to use as the sender address for your newsletter.

Newsletter - Mailersend

(7.9 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By