new: WordPress 5.9 compatibility;
new: Added new features in the tagDiv Opt-in Builder, such as Paywall System, Membership Subscriptions, Unlimited Plans, PayPal Payment.
new: 8 new shortcodes for tagDiv Opt-in Builder plugin, ready to use with the tagDiv Composer frontend page builder;
new: 2 new shortcodes for the tagDiv Opt-in Builder plugin ready to use with the Gutenberg editor;
new: Flipboard social share option in the Theme Panel under the Social Share section;
new: Copy URL social share option in the Theme Panel under the Social Share section;
new: New social icons: Medium, GETTR, Parler, Gab, CloutHub, Rumble, Patreon, Github;
new: Added Extra Label option;
new: Added ‘Google reCaptcha v3’ on the Login/Register modal;
new: New ‘Social Share’ shortcode to use on the page;
misc: Update Google Fonts list to include the latest fonts
misc: Added URL option for the Single Image shortcode;
misc: Self hosted video support for video background on Row;
misc: Autosave backup for the Theme Panel Settings before the theme update;
misc: Added the ‘Limit Authors’ option on the Authors Box shortcode;
misc: Added ‘Sorting Options’ for the last popular 24-48 hours posts;
misc: Updated PO MO translation files;
misc: Update Revolution Slider;
fix: Structured data fix, missing URL for the author;
fix: Autoplay for videos: Your videos can now start playing without sound on page load;
fix: Page templates on Classic editor;
fix: WPML string translation on the Mobile Theme;
fix: Pinterest;
fix: Instagram feeds;
fix: Sticky Video issue;
fix: Image caption on AMP;
fix: Opt-in Builder assigns the lead a cookie even if the email is already in the list;
fix: Mobile Theme on WP Multisite;
fix: Social Counter plugin style for multiple shortcodes on the page issue;
fix: Edit with tagDiv Composer button for contributors/authors;
fix: Update plugins on server;
fix: Set the full size of an image for the AMP Image Size (Google requirements);
fix: jQuery shorthand deprecation warnings;
fix: Dailymotion Get/Set Featured Image issue;
fix: Updated the API URL for the covid-related shortcodes;
fix: Modified date on the Mobile Theme;